I love it
I cant wait for this to come out!
A few spelling mistakes though
rath = Wrath
trailor = trailer
sacrid = sacred
Good job though that spinter cell costume is bad ass ;)
I love it
I cant wait for this to come out!
A few spelling mistakes though
rath = Wrath
trailor = trailer
sacrid = sacred
Good job though that spinter cell costume is bad ass ;)
This is great!
Wow, its was pretty great, expecially becuase of the vectored-ness of it.
Make a number 3 :)
Thanks! Working on #3 now.
Wrong catagory Bub
You should change it before someone blow's the whistle
the sounds remeind me of those classic disney/warnet bros cartoons, cartonney sounds, keep up the good work man :D
Awesome Malamite-Ltd
Nice animation, i love the voices it just addes the sertain.... character to this, i like the little secrets in this... lol milkman
Hello People.....
Ok first of all, i wanna say i AM canadian and well, Gerkinman, i suggest you dont post stuff that implies that canada sucks, some people *cough* scorpion69*cough* cant take a joke...
Nice movie, crappyly done and looking foward to more in the future :D
You little feaf
You stole that straight from another website!!
The only thing done by you is probly the buttons and you probly stole those also.
ur lucky this isint blammed
Im THE bunny with the issues
Joined on 7/21/04